Day 14: Dust it off!

February 4, 2010


18 more days to go



Don’t act like you don’t have one of these super drying racks in your house.  It may not be an exercise bike, it may be a treadmill or a stability ball.  But you know you’ve got one. 

Tonight, I got home from work at 7:45.  I had woken this morning at 7:30, so obviously, I didn’t have time to work out this morning.  And we all know what happens when I don’t work out in the morning.  I come home and go to bed.  But tonight, I got in the mail season 7 of the Gilmore Girls, and really didn’t want to make the 3 minute trip to the gym in the rain.  So I cleared and dusted off the old exercise bike (literally dusted…with a swiffer).  I had a great little 30 minute workout on the bike all in the comfort of my own home.  However, like stength training, I don’t always feel like I’ve worked out.  It was a little too easy.  I’m looking forward to some crazy cardio in the morning at the gym.

Day 12 and 13: Like Nails on a Chalkboard

February 3, 2010

No Bite

Ugh, bottle is in the trash. Healthy eating has commensed.

19 more days to go


Sorry, once again my schedule has not allowed me to keep up with this little blog.  But fear not dear friends!  I have not missed a workout since I last posted.  On Monday (day 12), I woke up at my usual 5:30 and headed to the gym for some cardio.  Not too shabby. 

day 12 mileage
A little cardio

Today, (day 13), I again woke up and headed to the gym for some strength training.  I did 30 minutes on various weight machines. 

I also weighed in today.  Not my best work.  I am still at my 10 pound loss, but nothing more was lost this week.  I may have a solution though: Stop putting no bite on my nails!  In an effort to continue bettering myself, I noticed that I actually had some nails, and as a chronic, life-long nail biter, I thought I should try to keep these nails.  So I put “No Bite” on my nails.  It’s this awful disgusting stuff.  However, I never attempted to bite my nails yesterday, but I had this disgusting taste constantly in my mouth.  Therefore, I kept eating more and more trying to get this awful taste out of my mouth.
Not a good situation.  When I came home, I immediately took the nail polish off my nails and threw away the bottle.  I decided I would rather be fit and happy then have long nails.  I’m going to try to stop biting my nails without nail polish aide, but more importantly, I’m going to focus on my fitness and diet.  And if I go back to biting my nails, so be it.  At least nails don’t have calories! 🙂

Day 11: Sunday Sweet

February 1, 2010

Day 11 Mileage

I broke 2 miles again.

21 days to go


I took a breif hiatus from my season 6 marathon of the Gilmore Girls (yes, I know I’m like 5 years late getting into this show).  After a drop off at Goodwill after working all afternoon on my closet, I headed over to the Y and started my usual elipitical stint.  After last nights weight session at home, I decided a little cardio was in order.

I’m still not at my 2.21 miles again, but I did break the 2 miles.  I guess I finally got my music in line for today.  My next project is to finally put together some new playlists for next week that end at 30 minutes.

So my new treat at the end of a work out is a metromint water.  If you have never had one, you’ve got to try them. if you cannot find them at your local Whole Foods or Sprouts.

Days 8, 9, 10: It’s been a week!

January 31, 2010

22 more days to go

It’s been a heck of a week!  I haven’t had time to update my blog for which I apologize.  So below are updates of what has been going on.

Day 8


day 9 mileage

Day 9


Yep, that’s right, I missed my workout on Thursday.  It was a baaaddd day.  It was a “didn’t-wake-up-on-time-had-to-work-out-after-work-but-just-went-home-and-laid-in-bed-in-the-fetal-position-instead-of-working-out kind of day. So Friday, I woke up with a bit more gusto and made my way to the gym.  Even though I still am not making my 2 miles, I am still doing my 30 minute workouts.


day 10

Simple equipment, simple workout.

Day 10

It was a busy day, so at 9 o’clock I figured out that I hadn’t worked out.  I didn’t want a repeat of day 8, so I looked around the house and found my medicine ball and some dusty weights.  So I dusted them off and started my workout (while watching season 6 of the Gilmore Girls no less) and did my 30 minutes (special thanks to my iphone for timing the event). 

I’m excited to continue with this goal even with the added 2 days for not working out on day 8.  It’s been a great journey thus far and even after just 10 days, I find myself having more energy and able to face a few more things in life. 


Day 7: Muscle Beach

January 28, 2010
Leg Press

Going for 12 reps on the leg press.

27 more days to go

Today was strength training day.  Although I did my usual 30 minutes and did 4 x 12 reps, I don’t feel like I did much of a workout.  Until I try to lift and arm.  Then I’m done. 

I was doing one of the arm weight machines this morning and could actually see my muscle contracting and releasing.  Isn’t the body a marvelous little machine. 

I’m doing fairly well on the eating front, thanks to my pal Laurie who introduced me to 100 calorie guacamole packets.  Holy cripes!  That and some carrot sticks and I’m good to go for a while.  They’ve been a lifesaver.

I did weigh in for the first time in 2 weeks today.  From now on, I’ll make Tuesday my regular weigh in day.  I am down 10 pounds!  Now before all you skinny minnies out there start getting discouraged, please remember that I am a big girl with a ton more to lose than just 20 pounds. The weight come off a little bit faster because there is much more of it.  So keep on keeping on!  You’ll get there too!

Day 6: The REAL Day Six!

January 27, 2010

24 more days to go

I can’t get images to upload again. 😦  Oh  well, I also thought yesterday was day six.  Silly rabbit!  Today is day 6.  Thankfully I wasn’t able to upload the image, because it would just show you that once again I was only able to log on 1.95 miles.  I honestly don’t know why I was so slow today.  I even listened to the Black Eyed Peas’ Boom Boom Pow, and it still did not get me going.

I’m sure all of you are shaking your heads and wondering when the heck I’m going to add some weight training to my routine.  By golly, I’m going to do it tomorrow!  I wanted a week to just get into the routine, so tomorrow I’ll start adding the weight training and do that 2 times a week from here on out.  Again, 30 minutes of it.  I recognized after doing the Wii workout that I need to get my whole body into action and also start building some muscle.  So tomorrow I will start.  I just hope there isn’t a little ol’ man grunting as he tries to pick up his 100 lb weights, that gets really annoying…

Day 5: Slow going on the eliptical

January 26, 2010

Calories, Calories

Not a lot of work done, but a load of calories taken out.

24 more days to go



Disappointing Mileage today

Today was a little disappointing mileage wise, but in my defense, I couldn’t stop watching this HGTV show about people doing these huge renovations to their homes that cost as much as my house time ten.  This one lady was spending $750,000 on her home with renovations that included adding an atrium and a look out tower.  Seriously? 

I was happy to note that I burned right at 400 calories.  So, not wasted at all, but a little disappointing. 
Bad food day too.  But I had the day off (literally) from work, so I had a Blizzard treat from the DQ.  (I know, I know) after some Mexican food goodness with wonderful TLU alumni types (but please note that I didn’t eat the queso!).
I am proud that I woke up at 6:30 (on my day off!) to make sure I made it to the gym before starting my day.  It was a good work out none the less.  I just need to stop reading the close captions so much!
Tomorrow will be another 5:30 day. 

Day 4: This is Why I Work out FIRST Thing in the morning

January 25, 2010

26 more days to go

I woke up late today.  At 9:15.  I honestly didn’t mean to sleep in, but somehow, after my hectic week, I needed the extra zzz’s.  I wanted to jump up and go work out, but the Y doesn’t open till noon on the weekends. (Yes, I was suppose to be in church; no, I didn’t go.  But I still have one more Sunday in January so I can hit my “going to church once a month” goal). 

Since I couldn’t go to the gym, I puttered.  And ate.  Oooo I ate a lot today.  But still, mostly healthy stuff.  Then, I went to run errands, had to run to a friend’s house and do a couple of other things.  All in all, I got home at 7:30 tonight and then ate dinner.  Which meant I couldn’t work out until 8:30.  And the Y is closed.

So I busted out the Wii.  I had bought My Fitness Coach sometime in September or October, but was put off by it when it asked me to do sit-ups and push-ups.  However, tonight’s work out was not bad at all, and the great thing is I got my arms involved too (which you can’t always do on the eliptical).  It was very Richard Simmon-esque without the sassy outfits and curly hair.  I was sweating in the end, so therefore, it must have dones some good. 

Tomorrow morning it is back to the gym though FIRST THING IN THE MORNING.  But it’s nice to know I have a back-up at home.


My Wii back-up plan

Day 3: Not So Gleeful

January 23, 2010
Day 3

It's hard to take a photo with your iPhone while trying to keep the eliptical going!

27 more days to go

My mileage was a solid 2.27 again today.  And that was for 30 minutes, not 31.  I still haven’t downloaded a workout playlist, so I thought some Glee music would be a great little mood booster. Then, I got the eliptical machine in front of the TV with the Hatti coverage.

Thank goodness I was sweating.  Hiding tears at the gym is a new one for me.  I complain and moan about my day to day life, when there are people who have far greater, life altering, just surviving issues. 

But then I saw a stat that was a bit inspiring.  I know there are over 111,000 people dead, but from the ruble, they have pulled 132 people.  I think about those folks who are on those teams who have literally sniffed out those people and saved their lives.  How wonderful to have that gift from God and use it to literally save others.

Then my gym visit gets deeper.  I started thinking about the inspriration that surrounds of us everyday and how we somehow overshadow it with gossip about dumb celebrities, worrying about infidelities of people we don’t know and listening to political talking heads who aren’t listening to the people who voted them in but rather those with the largest lobbying staff. 

Why are we doing that?  I know there are some pieces of news we need to know.  We need to know when our brothers and sisters are hurting or have been treated unfairly, but we need to know the “Glad” things too.  Look for inspiration in the most unlikely places.  Like a comment left on facebook by an old college friend encoraging you on towards your goal.  Or a group of co-workers who circle around you and send you supportive emails, pats on the back and hugs at your lowest.  We need to focus on those who inspire us and not focus so much on those who just want to show you the negative in life.  There is so much positive to see!  

Enough Pollyanna.  But I will leave you with my favorite inspirational quote from Anne Frank:

“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

Day Two: Estoy Aqui

January 23, 2010

28 more days to go

I wish I could make the photos show up.  Day 2 was a bit harder to get motivated.  Waking up so early is not an easy thing.  But I knew there were was no looking back if I didn’t workout first thing in the morning. And I had my Sharkira concert shirt on to motivate me!  I did 30 minutes on the eliptical again.  My mileage was down (2.26), but I also found out I did a minute extra on day 1 (for some reason the YMCA programs everything for 28 minutes…I thought it was 27, either way it was weird).  It was a good workout and sweat though.

Yesterday was not a good eating day for sure though.  It started out well with the usual coffee and oatmeal.  Progressed okay with a bit of chicken salad and corn bread muffin (a la the awesome work cafeteria).  Then, came the sweet and salty mix we keep on hand at the office.  And then came happy hour.  At a Mexican food place.  Chips and salsa it was with a Corona (but just one).  Then it was on to sushi! (Yes, it was a very international night).  A vodka with orange juice (aha!  not the usual vodka/seven) and sharing 6 rolls with 5 other people along with some edamame and some kind of crazy yummy beef stuff. 

I was crazy tired by the end of the night, but the early mornings really help because I wasn’t guilted about missing a workout.  It was over and done with and the night was free to spend with good co-workers.  Now I just have to get motivated today!